Spanish Lessons in Jacksonville

Are you looking for Spanish lessons in Jacksonville Florida? If you are looking at this webpage or article you are probably trying to learn Spanish.

There are quite a few schools which teach Spanish lessons in Jacksonville Florida, but have you considered purchasing an online Spanish language course? There are many benefits of learning Spanish online and this article will outline why you should consider studying Spanish this way. Check out this free video to see how a multimedia course can teach you spanish.

Spanish is a 'romance' language that originates from the north of Spain. Today, Spanish is spoken by around 400 million people and was one of the six official languages of the United States. As well as Spain, this is spoken in most Latin America countries, in total 21 countries use it as their Primary language. Mexico is the largest Spanish speaking in the world and the language is the second most spoken language in the United States. Here are a few basic words to get you going.

Learn Basic Spanish Words Greetings

Hello - Hola - pronounced O-la
Goodbye - Adios - pronounced aa-d-os
Good Morning - Buenos Dias - pronounced bwen-os d-os
Good Afternoon - Buenas Tardes - pronounced bwen-os tar-dos
Good Evening - Buenas Noches - pronounced bwen-os nosh-es

Learn Basic Spanish Words Courtesy

Please - Por Favor - pronounced por fav-or
Thankyou - Gracias - pronounced grass-e-ass
Sorry - Disculpe - pronounced dis-cul-pay
Excuse me - Con permiso -pronounced con per-miss-eo

Learn Basic Spanish Words Approaching people for help

Do you speak English - Habla usted inglés?
Yes - Se - pronounced Sea
No - no
I don't speak Spanish - No hablo español.
Where is....? - Donde estas...?

Learn Basic Spanish Words Numbers

Zero - cero (say-ro)
One - uno (oo-no)
Two - dos (dose)
Three - tres (trace)
Four - cuatro (kwat-ro)
Five - cinco (sink-o)
Six - seis (saze)
Seven - siete (see-yet-eh) Eight - ocho (och-o) Nine - nueve (new-eh-veh)
Ten - diez (dee-ace)

I hope these basic words help you in getting started. Spanish is definitely one of the most enjoyable languages to learn so don't stop here!

So before you look for Spanish lessons in Jacksonville Florida you may want to consider at the many online alternatives that are available to you.